Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Proud Aunt

My sister sent out this email yesterday. Her son, Caleb, is my favorite oldest nephew! He's 9 and a half. I am proud of him, too. I can just picture him giving these answers! It's funny and touching, just like he is! He's a hoot, yet he has a sensitive heart.

Caleb was interviewed by The Witness (our church newsletter) for its very first edition. I wanted to send it along so you could read it. It’s just precious and totally him. (Ok, it’s pretty funny too!) I’m so proud of him and am just overwhelmed sometimes with how blessed I feel to be his Mom.

The Witness - What does Easter mean to you?

Caleb - It means talking about Jesus rising from the dead at the tomb.

The Witness - How did he get in the tomb?

Caleb - Roman guys put him on the cross and then he died and then they took him to the tomb.

The Witness - What kind of tomb was it?

Caleb - It was a small cave with a cylinder rock and there was a bed and they put oils on him so he didn't stink.

The Witness - How long was he in the tomb?

Caleb - 3 days

The Witness - Then what?

Caleb - Mary, his mom, came and an angel and they got the tomb open and the angel said he rose from the dead.

The Witness - Why did he rise from the dead?

Caleb - To save us to be able to go to heaven and save our hearts from sin.

The Witness - Which holiday do you think is more important, Christmas or Easter?

Caleb - We don't really know when Jesus' birthday was. We give presents and have dinner. Santa doesn't have anything to do with Christ except the giving part. Easter, we're talking about a really, really important day where if it didn't happen we'd be in a different place. It would be horrible. The Easter Bunny (lengthy pause) comes in and gives eggs in your basket. It has something to do with Christ because he or she is giving.

The Witness - What will you do on Easter?

Caleb - Go to my grandma's house and have dinner or stay home and Mom would say "close your eyes and pray". It is a big possibility that we will go to my grandma's. We will have mashed potatoes and stuffing and gravy. My favorite foods are mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy…and crab. I only get crab at Red Lobster or if we go for Chinese.

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