Thursday, December 07, 2006

My oldest nephew, Caleb

After participating in a blog contest, "Guess the real name of LoveBug," and after guessing that Caleb is LoveBug's real name, I realized that it's been a while since I posted anything on my blog about 'my' Caleb, my oldest nephew. So without further ado, here are some recent pictures of Caleb:

This is Caleb at his Cub Scout Cake Auction

Caleb and his Mommy, my younger sister. Caleb's Daddy is with Jesus, having passed away from a virus of the heart on July 5, 2001. Caleb was 3 (he turned 4 on August 17th that year).

Caleb eating lunch at my house when he, Andrew, and Austin (my best friend's two boys) stayed overnight.

Caleb at Mammy's (my Mom) 62nd birthday dinner.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Linked to your blog from EverydayMommy. Read about your sister and Caleb and his dad. I lost my husband unexpectedly when my girls were 5 and 18months. Hope Caleb and your sister are doing well. I would have never made it were it not for my faith in God and the support of my family.