I can't believe it's time for BooMama's Christmas Tour of Homes! Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the Fourth of July!
I love decorating for Christmas/winter, especially with all my snowmen! Warning: this is a picture-filled post! And, I will have to update this post this evening with a picture or two of the outside of my house. I forgot to take outside pictures earlier and when I remembered yesterday, everything was icy, including my flag, which was flipped over and frozen.
Anyway, welcome to my home!
These are my most favorite! My Dad made these! He made the snowman in 2003 and the snowlady in 2005. The snowlady is definitely a redneck - she's smoking a pipe! LOL
I took this picture last year. It's one of my favorite things to display at Christmas. You're looking at the back of it, since it faces out the window. The little Christmas tree even has lights on it!
A snowman light I bought at Woolrich several years ago.
My Mitford snowman light. Love it!
A grouping in my living room, next to the entertainment center.
My dining room table.
Part of my snowman collection. This grouping is in the dining room, as you enter the kitchen.
The banister.
A snowman hanging on the living room wall.
Another grouping in the dining room. I should have wrapped the birdhouse picture!
My Boyds Christmas tree! This display is in the living room.
The top of my entertainment center.
I love my Winterberry dishes and accessories. My friends and family have added to my collection over the years for birthday and Christmas presents. Would you like a cup of hot tea?
More Winterberry, in my kitchen, of course.
Oh my. More Winterberry!
The powder room.
A new display in the kitchen as you're heading down to the rec room.
This snowman sings and dances!
On my pantry door.
On my back door.
On top of my baking cupboard in the kitchen.
I just noticed the black soot on the candle! It's a Yankee candle, Christmas Eve scent. Makes my house smell like Christmas! The peppermint sticks in the jar were a gift this year from our office Christmas party. I love the jar.Thanks for coming along on the tour! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
P.S. You'll notice there's not a picture of my Christmas tree. That's because I didn't put one up this year! I just didn't have the energy to do it all myself and I wasn't hosting any Christmas parties this year. I may look at getting a small artificial tree for next year...at the after-Christmas sales! And my Thomas Kinkade nativity is not displayed because I broke two of the pieces last year. I almost cried. I just thought about looking on eBay to see if there are single pieces available.