I'm a Christian and a single, never been married almost-45-year-old learning to be content! I'm the oldest of four - I have two sisters and a brother. My two sisters have blessed our family with 4 boys - C., B., M., and L. - and 2 girls - J. and H. I'm active in my church - I teach the Preschool 4 class and serve on our Missions Council and Stewardship Committee, as well as the Volunteer Team. I became a Creative Memories Consultant in March 2006 and am loving it!
We held to tradition once again this year by going to Mame's for Christmas Eve. We ate, played bingo, and had a good time fellowshipping. Then we met at Mom and Dad's for more eating and just being together. We missed Corie and Caleb, who were in Washington State with the Stewart's. Matty at Mames; playing bingo at Mame's; Benny, Tom, and Matty look at the train;
Matty and Uncle Tommy; and Mom and Dad look at the picture collage I made for them.
On Monday, December 19, 2005, the three office staffs in the PMA building held a Christmas party in the first floor conference room. We had a catered lunch from Sir D's -- a pasta bar! Then there was a birthday cake for Carol and me! Her birthday is December 24th. I'm not saying who's older, but she has grandchildren! hehehe Then we played a game for our gift exchange, followed by singing Christmas songs. It was a fun time and not real easy to go back to work afterwards!